Unlocking Innovation with Design Thinking

Portfolio by Anders

Meet Anders
Guide to Empathy-Driven Innovation

Hello! I'm Anders, a passionate Service Designer, User Experience Researcher, and Design Thinking Facilitator.

Committed to crafting solutions that put people at the center, I ensure that every project starts and ends with human needs.

Navigating Complexity
The Design Thinking Approach

My methodology is anchored in Design Thinking—a powerful lens for challenging assumptions and redefining problems with a focus on user needs. It's not a linear path but an iterative journey that involves empathy, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Through user journey mapping, I translate research into innovative design concepts and testable prototypes. This allows me to tackle complex challenges by focusing on what truly matters to users, transforming abstract issues into actionable, value-driven solutions.

Versatile Facilitator
Bridging Ideas and Impact

Throughout my career, I've orchestrated a wide range of workshops, design sprints, and hackathons. Whether working with public organizations, private clients, or in-house teams, I excel in creating spaces where creativity, learning, and innovation can flourish.

My experience extends to both online and offline settings, making me adept at navigating the unique challenges and opportunities each presents.


MakerBay Foundation
Empowering the Next Generation with AI

As the Senior AI Instructor, I was instrumental in shaping and launching this 2.5-year education initiative aimed at democratizing AI learning for underserved communities. With a budget of 2.8 million HKD, I led the curriculum development and managed a team of instructors to deliver 153 workshops, both online and offline, reaching over 2660 students. Beyond the classroom, I orchestrated Capacity Building Workshops for educators and early AI professionals and Challenge Days where young minds applied AI to solve real-world social and environmental issues.

Global Goals Jam
Local Innovation for Global Impact

As facilitator at Global Goals Jam events in Hong Kong, I contributed to planning and executing these design thinking hackathons. I led a team through a series of tools like empathy maps, brainwalking, and business model canvases, emphasizing a human-centered design approach. Whether in-person in 2019 or virtual in 2020, my role helped participants navigate complex challenges using a design mindset, showcasing the power of community-driven innovation.

Alm Brand Group
Redefining Solutions through Design Thinking

Leading a transformative Design Thinking workshop at Alm Brand Group, I focused on empowering Business Developers with practical service design methods, like As-Is Journey Maps and Usability Testing. Over a dynamic one-day session, developed in collaboration over four weeks, the workshop combined hands-on learning with strategic thinking. This initiative not only boosted participants' skills in user-centric innovation but also began embedding a culture of Design Thinking within the organization, enhancing problem-solving and fostering customer-focused digital innovation.


Strategy & vision

Competitive analysis

User Experience design

Interaction design

Concept sketches

Journey mapping

User flow diagram

Information architecture


Wireframes & mockups

Sketch / Figma / XD



Arduino (C++)


Laser cutting

3D printing


Interview studies

Questionnaire surveys

Usability testing

Ethnographic fieldwork

Participant observation

Cognitive walkthrough


Organising events

Facilitating workshops

Design Thinking

Open Innovation

Manage stakeholders

Whiteboards (eg. Miro)