Alm Brand Group

Design Thinking Workshop for the Digital Customer Experience Chapter

Project Overview:

The Design Thinking Workshop at Alm Brand Group marked a significant step in advancing the skills of Business Developers within the Digital Customer Experiences chapter. This one-day intensive workshop, developed over four weeks, was strategically crafted to meet the company's specific needs and integrate expert feedback, setting a new standard in professional development initiatives.


The workshop aimed to elevate the expertise of Business Developers by immersing them in the principles of Design Thinking and modern service design practices. This approach was chosen to enhance their capability in designing user-centered digital solutions and to seed a culture of innovation across Alm Brand Group.

My Role:

As the lead facilitator and course developer, my responsibilities encompassed:

  • Designing the workshop curriculum to cover key concepts like the Double Diamond and DVF Framework.

  • Integrating practical service design methods, such as As-Is Journey Maps and Usability Testing.

  • Focusing on real-world application to foster a deeper understanding of user involvement in service development.

  • Facilitating an environment conducive to multi-disciplinary learning and collaboration.


  • Delivered a comprehensive workshop that balanced theoretical knowledge with hands-on application.

  • Provided Business Developers with the tools to identify and tackle real-world problems, moving beyond technology-driven solutions to value-driven innovation.

  • Collected valuable feedback for refining the workshop into Version 2, aimed at broader chapters within the organization.

  • Initiated the first steps towards fostering a Design Thinking culture at Alm Brand Group, with a focus on enhancing customer experiences and solving internal challenges.

Strategic Value:

This workshop series represented a strategic investment in the professional development of our Business Developers, with an emphasis on:

  • Empowering them to contribute more effectively to the design and development of user-centered solutions.

  • Encouraging a shift in organizational culture towards embracing UX and service design as pivotal in collaboration with technical teams.

  • Laying the groundwork for a sustained practice of Design Thinking across different departments and functions within Alm Brand Group.


AI Community Innovation Programme