Global Goals Jam

Hong Kong 2019 - 2020

The Global Stage: Uniting for Sustainable Change

Global Goals Jam is an annual worldwide event that brings together communities from different cities to address the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Hong Kong, we participated in this global initiative, gathering a diverse group of thinkers, doers, and creators to develop short-term interventions with long-term impact.

My Role: Orchestrating Creative Collaboration

As a team facilitator for the Hong Kong chapter, I was involved in planning, organizing, and guiding one of the participating teams through the design thinking process. My aim was to cultivate a space where participants could freely express their creativity and collaborate effectively.

The Process: Design Thinking in Action

We employed a variety of design thinking tools to guide our participants through the problem-solving journey.
These included:

  • Empathy Map: To understand user needs and perspectives.

  • Stakeholder Map: For identifying and analyzing key players in the problem space.

  • Brainwalking: A dynamic brainstorming technique to generate diverse ideas.

  • Concept sketch: For visualizing initial ideas and solutions.

  • Rapid Prototyping: To quickly test and iterate on these ideas.

  • Business Model Canvas: To evaluate the feasibility and impact of solutions.

The Virtual Shift: Adapting to a Pandemic

The 2020 event was unique as it was conducted entirely online due to COVID-19. We leveraged online tools like Zoom for communication and Miro for collaborative work, proving that meaningful engagement could happen in a virtual setting.

The Aftermath: From Ideas to Action

The most rewarding part of the experience was seeing the ripple effect of our collective efforts. Ideas generated during the Jam have inspired ongoing projects, and the connections made have fostered a community committed to sustainable change.

Learning and Growing: The Takeaways

Participants not only worked towards solving global challenges but also gained invaluable skills and insights. They learned the intricacies of design thinking, the power of teamwork, and the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach.


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